jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

Bad Atom Episode 1

The best name... for a not good game. I think in a episodic game, and i am thinking in something with a story, a well developed plot, ... Not a boring shooter with strange controls and not well worked interface. Could be I don't understand the game, or could be it is strange and boring, but that's what I think.

In the possitive side, the Fx (sounds and visuals) of the game are very good.

Developer: Kain Osterholt

Score: 4.

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-US&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:fd1ea5df-5ca8-43df-ba87-e5f9f00851a3&showPlaylist=true&from=msnvideo" target="_new" title="Bad Atom: Episode 1 (Dream Build Play 2008 Preview)">Video: Bad Atom: Episode 1 (Dream Build Play 2008 Preview)</a>

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