miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2008

Poker Ball

This game seems to be unreachable now. But you have it here:

Video (not embedded)

And description:

Poker Ball combines elements of classic games with 5 card draw Poker.The player is presented with a board of poker cards and a ball that must be kept in bounds while building hands. Points are awarded for hitting cards but for big scores the player must use the limited ability to halt the action to discard cards from the player’s hand and try to build high-value poker hands.

Enjoy if you can :D.

lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2008

Dokee and the musical rain

Community Games are really a big idea, due they allow the creators to make things nearly impossible in other ways. So, we have the first "only sound" game, and now we have the first "help Venezuela" game. Yes, this game is created for helping the people from Venezuela.

Appart from it, this game is a music game where the player has to catch the notes that fall from the sky for making the background music different.

There is no difficult, no rept, no live, no game over. Only playing for joice.

Is well developed, so, is not a bad thing.

Developer: Baltico X
Score: 5.5

domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2008


A sound game, and a puzzle game. A bit strange it "sounds", and a bit strange it is. But is a good idea, and is well developed. Specialy enjoyable if you have a guitar controller.

Developer: Indiecisive Games.
Score: 6

sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008

Fatal Abyss

Another shooter, this time a vertical scroll shooter in the same range that Star Force, but with a big SHIP and big ENEMIES, and big SHOOTS.

Yes, all the things are big in Fatal Abyss. The game is few enjoyable due to that reason. There is no strategy need, no pace, no difference among stages. At least the music is not bad.

Developer: CyanideGames (do not confuse with cyanide, the frenc developers)
Score: 4

viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2008


Rift is another "Geometry Wars" clone, but with a big feature: Time Bullet.

That idea makes the game very enjoyable, and it's a pitty that the realization of the game is not in the same level that this idea. It's a game with bad graphics, simple sound, and few interest.

But the time bullet idea is very well developed. My greetings.

Developer: Brando Bloom
Score: 5

jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2008

Brain Party

Another good game. In this case, Brain Party remind in origin to every brain training you have see, but at the end is a mix with every puzzle game you have seen :D.

Very well developed, and very enjoyable.

Developer: Hudzilla
Score: 8

miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

In the Pit

In the pit carries a classical idea (a gaming without graphics) to the last consecuences. Is a game in which you control a blind monster and you have to eat different person that fall in you pit, letting you be guided by the sound.

Is not a bad game, but is... so strange and so original. Is one of the most popular games in the Community.

Score: 6
Developer: Studio Hunty

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008


Do you remember Synchro, the game that was developed by Pere Alsina for Art Futura?. If not, you have here a screenshot.

Well, this game (Artoon) is more or less the same, or at least the same idea. And is not a bad idea, while the game is well developed, so is a good game :D.

Developer: Ok Games
Score: 8


Colosseum is one of the bigger and most professional developed games of all the Community. I am completely impressed about it.

It is a beat em up which allows to the player to select among several characters, and to beat all the rivals using a several combos, special movements, items, ... really, i think is one of the best games in all Xbox Live, including Arcade Games.

Is well developed, well designed, and it could be a good inbox game.

Developer: Shortfuse Games
Score: 9

lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008


This is one of the most beautiful games of the Xna Catalogue. It's an original title in which the player has to manage to carry several bubbles from the beginning of the level to the goal. For achieving this the player has to use several objects that Blow the bubbles in their way to the end of the level.

Is a good game, but could be it is too slow. A very artsy game

Developer: David Floock
Score: 7

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008

Alien Ambush

This is a strange story. Alien Ambush is a real videogame that should been released in 1984 for Commodore 64 and Intellvision... At the end it was released in pc / amiga, and now in 360.

As a game from the beginning of 80's, is a simple game very reminiscent of Space Invaders, with some additions, like several vertical scroll levels, and things like that.

Is not a bad game, but very simple for today days.

Developer: Star Gaming Network
Score: 5

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-US&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:88319763-14e4-4cb7-a717-41148d1e14a5&showPlaylist=true&from=msnvideo" target="_new" title="Alien Ambush Game Trailer">Video: Alien Ambush Game Trailer</a>

sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008


A very curious and well developed puzzle game, where the player has to match 3 colors in two places at the same time,because the pieces come to you from up and down in a mirrored way, so you have two places to put the pieces... It is a bit difficult to explain, but it works :D.

Appart from this, the game has several power ups, decent visuals and decent sounds. So is, basically, a good game.

Developer: Caffeine Monster
Score: 8

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008


Lines seems to be, in imatges, a Lumines clone, but not!. Is a interesting puzzle game very similar aesthetically to the idea from Tetsuya Mizuguchi's game, but different gameplay. It is based in the idea of connecting pieces, and in making better score than no one (it has online scoretables).

Well developed, well thought, a bit simple, but ok.

Developer: Ed Andersen.

Score: 6

jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008

Bad Atom Episode 1

The best name... for a not good game. I think in a episodic game, and i am thinking in something with a story, a well developed plot, ... Not a boring shooter with strange controls and not well worked interface. Could be I don't understand the game, or could be it is strange and boring, but that's what I think.

In the possitive side, the Fx (sounds and visuals) of the game are very good.

Developer: Kain Osterholt

Score: 4.

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-US&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:fd1ea5df-5ca8-43df-ba87-e5f9f00851a3&showPlaylist=true&from=msnvideo" target="_new" title="Bad Atom: Episode 1 (Dream Build Play 2008 Preview)">Video: Bad Atom: Episode 1 (Dream Build Play 2008 Preview)</a>

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008


Another twist to the Geometry Wars shooter style, but this time is something like "Imagine Geometry Wars in first person".

The idea is not bad, but one of the things that make Geometry Wars fun is the control, and now the control is very difficult compared to the original. Is more or less well developed, but gets boring few minutes after beginning.

Score: 4.5

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008

Beat It

Beat it represents what should be every independent (not company related) videogame launched in Xbox Community Games. Simple, well developed, funny and fast videogames.

Beat it is a game for 2-4 players where the player has to make something with the pad, until it passes to another player. Is as simple as it sounds, and works very well.

Developer: MonsuneMoon
Score: 7

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-US&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:ffcdcfe2-3a8f-46f9-a63f-f11b6d8a625c&showPlaylist=true&from=msnvideo" target="_new" title="Beat IT!">Video: Beat IT!</a>

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008


Bloc is one of the interesting "Community Games", and it can offer something to the videogames scene, because is well thought.

Basically... is a Geometry Wars clone, with a mix with Ikaruga, very well developed. The player has to shoot the enemies matching their colour with the colour of your shoot, that depends on the position of your ship, that follows the same model that the Xbox 360 controller.

Appart from it, if a enemy impacts on the "ship", then one of the colors desappears.

As a video es worth more than a thousand of words, take a look to it at the end of the review:

Developer: Metacreature Games.
Score: 7.5

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008


Drift is not a game. Is "a collection of customizable ambient art works".

Developer: Kevin Albers
Score: N/A.

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

Fuel Depot 360

This is a strange shoot em up, that is developed in 3d, but played in 2d. Let's explain.

You manouver your ship like it's in a plane. And you can't change the height. So is like a classical shooter, but with 3d graphics.

Is not bad, but is a bit boring. The player has to acomplish missions to finish each level, and he can catch some items.

Developer: Interestellar.
Score: 4.5

viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008


A well developed and simple platform game. At least, it has some puzzles, but it doesn't allow you to finish with the enemies.

Developer: Third Party Ninjas
Score: 6.5

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-US&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:a9e179e9-ed6f-473e-b63d-456c6a77c3b9&showPlaylist=true&from=msnvideo" target="_new" title="Being Trailer">Video: Being Trailer</a>

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008

Space Combat

Space Combat is a game of combat in first person, where the player pilot a spaceship similar to the others, and he has to win most points for achieving the first place.

Is very simple, and not funny, but not bad developed.

Score: 4

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008

Fruit Attack

Very simple, well developed, but not original, clone of Columns. I have nothing more to say...

Score: 5

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008


Cubage is as simple as the tipical "Rubik Cube" game carried to console. Simple, correct, but a bit boring for a console game.

Developer: FortisVenaltier Productions
Score: 4

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008


A funny puzzle, very well developed, where the player has to destroy the parts of the totems while falling other pieces. Depending on how the pieces are positioned, it results in some combinations or others.

Developer: Fervent Interactive
Score: 6

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

UAV Wars

UAV wars is a bored game that represents more or less a fight between ships. Is in full 3d, with very simple graphics (and horrible menus), and a control system that is a bit heavy. Each mission consists in destroying certain number of ships, and after that you pass the level.

Developer: Some Call me Tim
Score: 3

sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2008

Ladybird Galaxy

This is one of the cutest games of all the community. Is a very simple game where you have to collect as much gems as possible, trying to avoid the bugs that destroy you. In certain moments there appears a falling star, which if collected by you lets your ship to fire a shot to destroy a bug. If the player catches the rest of the stars of the screen will receive a extra aceleration that makes the thing more difficult but also increases the score.

In some moments there appears a bar that destroys the ship, so the player has to exit the screen from one side to appear at the opposite, dodgind the killer bar.

Developer: Kobingo.
Score: 6, An interesting game, with 4 players multiplayer mode.

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008


For me, one of the best games in the community right now. Is as simple as a shooter, with an aesthetic inheritted from Galaxian. But the game is more complex, and let you to have several types of ships (at the same time), to catch a lot of weapons, and to use a lot of items.

For me, one big surprise.

Developer: Bog Turtle Games

Score: 8

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

Swords & Monsters

This is an example of something that makes people from Microsoft should check a bit what games are included in Community Games. Swords & Monsters is not a game, is an application.

You click 3 times, and the game is over. What is this?.

I will attach the unique posible screenshot of the game.

Developer: Triple A Studios

Score: 0